
Thursday, February 26, 2004


As a Roman Catholic, I am deeply offended by the number of people who are ignorant of history. Centuries ago, and defining the Dawn of Civilization by Corpus Juris Civilis (Canon Law seq.), the Church obtained a patent on Marriage. Through its great benevolence, in recognizing that some not born to the faith lack the intelligence to convert, the Church has licensed non-Catholic ilk to partake in marriage (small m). Though not sanctioned by the Church, marriages still are regulated by the original Marriage patent, with the able countenance of the Conservative Christian Coalition. This means MALE-FEMALE only - not male-male and not female-female.

I speak for most bloggers - and all educated ones - in expressing how grateful I am that with no wars, poverty, unemployment, threats, or deficits facing our Nation, President Bush can devote his time and energy to campaigning for a Constitutional Amendment that will once and for all eliminate the Gay Marriage Menace.

We must all unite in urging quick passage and ratification of this amendment and allow President Bush to move forward to the next most important priority he has established for our Country: landing a man on Mars.
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