
Monday, April 19, 2004


After calling half the dentists on Oahu, I found one who could see me on an emergency basis, but of course he's not finished with me yet. I'm not complaining, though, as my discomfort has been eased considerably.

Wes, I will confess to a stiff drink before I went to bed last night, but probably shouldn't make it my primary treatment for the night-grinding. I did make a run to the drug store for Anbesol, and it probably helped, too, but not as much as the drink.

The worst part is that all this has made for a less than auspicious start to my new job. Generally, I don't think they recommend calling in sick your first day of work, and definitely not twice in your first week. Que sera. Or gang aft agley. Or something.


Bob Woodward's new book won't likely change many minds already set pro or anti the current administration but there was an interesting sound bite on 60 Minutes showing Dick Cheney giving a speech on 8/26/02 in which he is seen and heard declaring "Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction; there is no doubt that he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us."

"No doubt"? More that 700 lost American lives, thousands of Iraqi lives, countless injuries, and billions of dollars later, yet no WMD. There does indeed seem to have been a doubt. And a corresponding doubt about Cheney integrity.

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